We can often spend so much time and effort to make sure that the 'sound' is right . But in reality, the 'sound' could sound beyond perfect and it wouldn't really matter at all. From God its pretty much something like 'Thanks for the effort, but I don't want that, it's for show and not for me'. God doesn't want fake and He doesn't want our worship to be perfect how we may sometimes think perfect is. Perfect 'sound' to Him is our real and raw self, the un-glamorized, dirty, self abandoned, and the worst part of yourself that we don't want others to see. To God, when all of those things are displayed on that 'stage', THAT is what perfect worship is to Him, because it's real.
Now, God doesn't expect you to look perfect. Jesus never chose the perfect looking ones. His disciples were fisherman and tax collectors, the lowest of the low. His mother was just a girl, and His father, a carpenter. Jesus healed the crippled and blind, spoke with women that were cast away by society. He never spent His time in a some palace, BY CHOICE.
The parts that you hate about yourself, He loves, because it's real. God doesn't want us to try and appear perfect. The way I really see it is, if we're suppose to be like and resemble Christ, why do we try to look and sound perfect on that 'stage' sometimes? He never put Himself above the ones around Him.
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